The Dream Garden
Book Cover: The Dream Garden

One of the literary works that imagines reality as a utopian city in which there is no greed, deceit or fraud, relying on that the author flies with his imagination to place the problem of the loss of man in a nice narrative framework in which he refers life to a lost floral garden that is the dream in which the imagination inhabits and a space in which everything is but Garbage and greed. There are rivers of honey and water in it and its scenery is beautiful. There is nothing in the garden of this space but peace. The price of this life is devotion to God in worship, and he is the one who has credit for us in our creation, our life, our death, the day of our resurrection, and the devotion to him in the worship and piety that all these meanings circulate in life. Humanity is in our hands excluding us from delusion and deviation.